This section complements the Integrated Humanities, Life and Society curricula for junior secondary level and Geography for senior secondary levels. It enables students to learn about urban decay in Hong Kong, the role of the URA in carrying urban renewal and the impact of urban renewal on Hong Kong's social, economic, cultural aand environmental development.
Strand 1: Personal and Social Development
By exploring the urban renewal process and the views opted by different stakeholders, students will learn about cultural diversity, and the importance of balancing between redevelopment and preservation. In addition, students will learn to appreciate historical buildings through URA's efforts in preservation and revitalisation.
By exploring dByifferent urban renewal projects, students will learn to interpret information by looking at maps, graphs and related data, in order to come up with feasible proposals. The activities will also give students an understanding of the relevant district areas, and the people's interactions with the environment. They will also get to know about the history and the current development of the districts and their future developemnt plans. The UR Web Academy helps students to explore the living areas around us, ways to creating a sustainable city while respecting different cultures, values and lifestyles in society.