All tours are by appointment only.
Opens on Mon - Fri (except public holidays)
Guided Tours:
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm


Urban Renewal Authority x Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme - Living Heritage Exploration for YA (Wanchai)

URA hosted “Living Heritage Exploration for YA (Wanchai District)” for over 20 Young Ambassadors (YAs) on 29 July, 2016. This docent tour serves as a platform for theYAs to better understand the old districts in Hong Kong and get them ready to promote the beauty of this wonderful metropolis.


Touring around Wanchai District, URA staff provided detailed docent on several urban renewal projects and historic monuments, such as Comix Home Base, the Old Wanchai Market and Green Building in the Lee Tung Street Project etc. The YAs were superbly participative and spent a fantastic afternoon in exploring the old buildings and history of Wanchai District.