The Planning Department and City Gallery organised the First City Gallery Summer Planning School – Be a Town Planner during 2014 summer holiday. With an aim to let the young generation know more about town planning in Hong Kong, a wide range of activities including workshops and field trips have been organised with related topics. The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) is supportive of the scheme, by providing a specially designed outreach activity so as to let the little planners have a proper understanding of the problems of urban decay in our city. They also visited our projects in Central & Western District and Wanchai.
On 16-17 July 2015, 75 little planners attended a lecture on the topic of urban renewal. They also joined our living heritage exploration tour. Touring around Central & Western District and Wanchai, URA staff provided detailed docent of the exhibition at UREC, site visit of URA projects and some attractions nearby. They could experience the nostalgic atmosphere and know more about the historical development of the district.
In addition, the little planners also visited Mallory Street / Burrows Street (Comix Home Base). In this Grade 2 historic building, they could know more about the revitalisation works and adaptive re-use of the pre-war building cluster.